Student essay
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Study of Anti-Dumping by a Regional Trade Agreement Dissertation
Investigation of Anti-Dumping by a Regional Trade Agreement - Dissertation Example Hostile to dumping approaches are commonly justified on the premise that they are essential for dispensing with hurtful dumping rehearses by exporters and to advance reasonable rivalry in exchange (Davis, 2009). All things being equal, research shows that in spite of the way that the WTO’s hostile to dumping arrangements are proposed to ensure the interests of local makers and to advance reasonable rivalry and exchange, the continuous utilization of the WTO’s Anti-dumping Agreement by some provincial entertainers, for example, the EU, the USA and China exhibits that the WTO’s Anti-Dumping Agreement is abused for superfluous protectionisms and retaliatory measures. Also, Article XXIV of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 permits the production of Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) and in this way along with the Anti-Dumping Agreement fuels the WTO’s changed multilateral world exchange framework and especially its objective of unpredictable exchan ge. This exploration study inspects the utilization of the WTO’s Anti-Dumping approaches in RTAs and exhibits misuse by means of pointless protectionism and retaliatory measures. It is reasoned that the patterns in local exchange understanding enemy of dumping strategies and practices completely exhibit that WTO individuals are allowed to abuse the Anti-Dumping Agreement contained in Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 (GATT) for over the top protectionism, retaliatory measures and for unfair exchange rehearses in opposition to GATT’s non-separation exchange policies.... List of chapters Abstract 3 Table of Contents 3 Chapter One 5 Introduction to the Study 5 I.Background to the Study 5 II.Research Questions 9 III.Aims and Objectives of the Study 10 V.Significance of the Study 11 VI.Research Methods 11 VII.Organization of the Study 12 Chapter Two 12 A Review of the Literature 12 I.Introduction 13 II.RTAs 13 A.Definition 13 B.Typologies of RTAs 14 D.Conclusion 23 III.Conceptualizing Anti-Dumping 24 A.Definitions 24 B.The Advantages and Disadvantages of Anti-Dumping Policies and Measures 26 C.Conclusion 30 IV.The WTO’s International Trade System 31 V.Conclusion 33 Chapter Three 34 Regional Trade Agreements Within the World Organization’s Multilateral System 34 I.Introduction 34 II.Snapshot of the WTO’s Legal Regime Facilitating RTAs in the WTO’s Multilateral Trade System 35 III.The WTO’s Legal Framework for the Formation of RTAS 36 A.Customs Unions 45 B.Free Trade Arrangements 47 VI.Conclusion 49 Chapter Four 49 The W TO’s Anti-Dumping Legal Framework 49 I.Introduction 49 II.Anti-Dumping Under the WTO 50 III.Conclusion 56 Chapter Five 57 Findings/Conclusion 57 Chapter One Introduction to the Study I. Foundation to the Study Dumping happens when items or merchandise are sold on the worldwide market or sent out to a residential market at a relative low value contrasted with like items or products (Raju, 2008). As indicated by the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade(GATT) 1994, dumping alludes to the offer of merchandise and items at a value bring down that its common worth (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994, Article VI). As indicated by GATT (1994: Article VI) the standard estimation of merchandise and items is the cost at which those merchandise and items are
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The role of mediation towards conflict resolution (with examples) Essay
The job of intercession towards compromise (with models) - Essay Example The paper tells that in the todays quick pace universe of absolute rivalry, so as to achieve the objectives and targets, group working has become a need. The group or the gathering of individuals progresses in the direction of a shared objective where all the individuals are capable enough to decide, take care of issues, and offer obligations. Be that as it may, when at least one than one individual takes a shot at a specific assignment or action, disparities, conflicting perspectives or struggle is probably going to happen by and large. This is on the grounds that each individual has a place with various foundations as well as have lived assorted and disparate encounters in their lives, and along these lines, it prompts have different and unique observations in any event, when chipping away at a shared objective. In certain circumstances, the contention is ostensible and may cause lesser measure of pressure, be that as it may, in different cases; it may demonstrate to have more terr ible impacts. In this way, the comprehension of the demeanor and nature of the contention is critical, which can prompt the helpful arrangements with regards to how the contention can go under goals in an advantageous way so as to improve the connections that go under its friendship. Studies uncover the way that various causes can add to clashes. Actually, when an individual or a gathering of individuals goes under work to play out a specific errand that is differentiating to their requirements or intrigue, clashes is probably going to happen. Moreover, when the gathering of individuals has selective and autonomous social inclinations as for their shared activities can likewise offer ascent to clashes. Various individuals don't have the capacity or capability to convey adequately and effectively. In this manner, poor relational abilities between individuals are additionally one of the prime reasons that can cause struggle. It has likewise gone under perception that deficient abiliti es and information are additionally one of the basic supporters for making a contention among the individuals (Pahl, Richter & Rohrschneider, pp. 3-10, 2009). This is because of the explanation that if an individual in a gathering of individuals need exceptional abilities or information, the objectives is probably not going to go under execution, which heightens the likelihood of contention. The referenced were not many of the occurrences that can prompt clashes among individuals, in any case, compromise gives different arrangements that can dispose of the contrasts between the individuals and improve or upgrade their bond or connection (Pahl, Richter & Rohrschneider, pp. 3-10, 2009). It has come to see that culture plays a predominant, driving, and touchy job in compromise whether it is on an expert practice or in scholarly field. This can go under well comprehension with the thought that in Western human advancement, individuals as a rule pick and advance open corr espondence among disputants, illuminates their issues and blueprint concessions to a shared premise that meet the head and essential needs of both the gatherings. This implies the contention resolvers make both the gatherings consent to have a success win circumstance where all the individuals under clash get an equivalent palatable situation. A success win circumstance is basic in the non-Western culture too, however the method of settling the contention is to some degree diverse in nature (Avruch, pp. 24-27, 1998). Nonetheless, while taking a gander at the opposite finish of the range
Friday, August 21, 2020
5 Signs Youre Stuck in a Cycle of Debt - OppLoans
5 Signs Youre Stuck in a Cycle of Debt - OppLoans 5 Signs Youre Stuck in a Cycle of Debt 5 Signs Youre Stuck in a Cycle of DebtFeeling like you can’t get ahead on your bills? Living paycheck to paycheck and making minimum payments may confirm you need a new system.The world is filled with many wonderful cycles. Let’s consider some of them, shall we?There’s the bicycle, of course. It’s a good method of transportation that doesn’t add to the carbon emissions in the atmosphere, and it’s a great form of near full-body exercise, as well.The unicycle has all of the same benefits of a bicycle, but it’s much harder to use.If you like being alive, then you must also be a fan of the Krebs cycle, one of the necessary processes for cellular respiration.Unfortunately, not all cycles are so lovely or good for our health and well-being. For example, you don’t want to find yourself trapped in the dreaded debt cycle. Yes, this is a cycle in which you get behind on your financial obligations and fall further and further into debt. You may not even realize you’re trappe d in the cycle until it’s too late â€" which is why we spoke to the experts.Continue reading to learn the telltale signs of a debt cycle, so you can figure out a way to either avoid or escape one.Sign No. 1: You’re living paycheck to paycheckEven if you’re not loaded down with debt at the moment, if you’re living paycheck to paycheck, then you could be trapped within a debt cycle. One unexpected incident or expense can cause the cycle to rev into full gear.Ryan Luke, personal finance blogger at Arrest Your Debt (@Arrestyourdebt), says a paycheck-to-paycheck lifestyle is one of the most telling signs you are experiencing a debt cycle. “After the bills come in each month, you have absolutely no money left over,†he says. “In fact, you more than likely needed to put this month’s grocery bill on a credit card with the hope to pay it off next month.â€Sign No. 2: You can only make minimum payments each monthMaybe you can still technically pay your bills. But if you’re only paying the minimum requirement, you’re going to be dealing with more and more interest that can quickly bury you, according to Beverly Friedmann, content manager for ReviewingThis (@ReviewingThis).“If youre only making minimum payments on all of your monthly expenses, or having trouble meeting minimum fee requirements, this is a red flag for impending or existing debt,†she says. “Agencies and credit issuers love when you make minimum payments because they tend to collect the highest interest rate fees, so youll end up spending more over a longer period of time.â€Sign No. 3: Your debt-to-income ratio is no goodOn the most basic level, the debt cycle occurs because your income is being eclipsed by your obligations.“If your debt to income ratio is more than one-to-one, you’re digging yourself a hole,†says Zachary Siegel of Sprout Lending. And that hole may be difficult to escape. “However, if you work with good people and invest the debt in items that generate a positive return on investment, it isn’t hard to overcome. The richest people leverage debt to accumulate more wealth.â€Sign No. 4: You’ve got credit card problemsIf you’re blowing through your credit limits on the regular, that’s not a good sign.“If your credit card balances keep rising, this is definitely a red flag and a sign of a potential cycle of debt on the horizon,†Friedmann warns. “If youve already maxed out one or more credit cards, this is even more problematic and can catalyze a significant financial downswing thats difficult to work your way back out of.†â€Can’t qualify for credit cards at all? That’s not so good either!“If credit card issuers have reason to believe you wont be able to repay borrowed money, youll be rejected for most cards you try to qualify for,†Friedmann says. “This is especially problematic if youre trying to rebuild your credit during a difficult financial period. If youre continually rejected for different credit car ds (other than ones for those with poor credit), this is definitely a sign youre stuck in a cycle of debt.â€Sign No 5: You’re not savingIf you don’t have savings, you’re always going to be one financial emergency away from being spun in the dreaded cycle of debt.“If you seem to be spending more than youre making and dont have a stable savings fund, you may be stuck in a poor financial situation and cycle of debt,†Friedmann warns. “Savings for the future are extremely important, especially with a potential economic downturn on the horizon. A lot of us focus on payments for monthly bills and daily spending, but we often forget to save for the futureâ€"especially if we have stable sources of income.â€Tips to reverse the debt cycleWhat can you do if you’ve read this article and now realize you might be in a cycle of debt or are at risk for getting stuck in one? Here’s some advice.Budget, budget, budget. “Try to sit down and budget your monthly expenses so that you can make the highest payments possible for each bill at a rate that you can afford. It will pay off in the long run and you wont find yourself stuck in a cycle of debt,†Friedmann says.Think small to plan big. “To make long-term savings easier, try to start budgeting for the week and month ahead in smaller increments,†Friedmann adds. “You can build a 6-month emergency fund slowly for anything that might come up down the line. This will help you gain a sense of security and climb out of a negative financial cycle at the same time.â€Increase your credit card payments (if you have debt). If you have credit card debt, it’s always ideal to pay off the amount owed in full. If that’s not possible, make the highest monthly payments you can afford, Friedmann says. “If you find yourself owing money to one or more credit issuers, start making payments as soon as possible,†she says. “Call the agencies in question to see if there are any financial hardship options or differ ent payment restructuring plans available.â€The obvious: spend less. Chad Rixse, Director of Financial Planning at Forefront Wealth Partners (@forefrontwealthpartners), urges taking a hard look at your spending habits. “Are you spending money out of necessity or is it frivolous? Look for ways you can reduce your monthly living expenses. Move to a cheaper location, eat meals at home, and take public transportation instead of owning a car. If you cant make more money, you can always spend less.â€Consider picking up a side hustle. “Drive Uber, do freelance work, or get a part-time job in a restaurant,†Rixse says. “Find ways to make some extra cash so you can put extra towards your debt.â€It might not be easy, but we hope you can break the debt cycle, so you can focus on more positive yielding cycles in the future.For more tips on digging your way out of debt, check out these resources below:Your Guide to Escaping a Debt TrapThe Debt Snowball Method Can Help You Get Out of DebtYou’re Stuck in a Cycle of DebtNow What?The Debt Spiral: What is it and How to Escape itVisit OppLoans on YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIN | InstagramContributorsBeverly Friedmann works as a Content Manager for the consumer website ReviewingThis (@ReviewingThis)â€"with a background in Sales and Marketing Managementâ€"and is from New York, NY.Ryan Luke is a full-time police officer, but as a personal finance blogger, he has made it his personal mission to provide honest and easy-to-understand personal finance information. During his career, he has seen the devastation left behind by people who mismanage their finances. Due to this, he is dedicated to providing you the most up-to-date information to get out of debt and start building your future.Before joining the Forefront Wealth Partners (@forefrontwealthpartners) family as the director of financial planning, Chad Rixse spent three years at Wells Fargo Advisors before going on to co-found an independent fin ancial planning firm in Seattle, WA that specialized in working with tech industry employees. Chad is also a graduate of the College for Financial Planning, where he completed his Chartered Retirement Plans Specialist designation focusing on the design, installation, maintenance and administration of retirement plans.Zachary Siegel is a New York native and has always had a passion for helping others succeed by being transparent and boldly honest about everything. As a business lending expert, Zachary will secure the most suitable financing program for you and guide you on how to grow your business using other people’s money (debt) efficiently.
Monday, May 25, 2020
9 Best Hurricane Tracking Charts
Updated October 15, 2018 Hurricane tracking charts are blank maps used to track the path of a hurricane. When tracking hurricanes, the intensity of the storm is indicated on the path along with any dates/times of landfall. There are several versions of the charts depending upon your needs. (All links will open maps in PDF format.) Atlantic Hurricane Tracking Chart Version 1This version is as official as it gets. Used by forecasters at the National Hurricane Center (NHC), it not only has a view of the full Atlantic basin but of the east coast of Africa, too. With a smaller grid overlay, the path of a hurricane can be plotted with greater precision. Atlantic Hurricane Tracking Chart Version 2This grayscale NOAA chart has a smaller grid and a wider view of the Atlantic and Gulf Coast. Atlantic Hurricane Tracking Chart Version 3This color chart is produced by the American Red Cross and shows the full Atlantic basin. Helpful tips on the dangers of hurricanes are printed on the map and all states, islands, major cities, and beaches are clearly labeled. Atlantic Hurricane Tracking Chart Version 4This black and white chart is one of NOAAs older versions but has small dot marks in a grid for easy plotting. Islands and land structures are labeled. Atlantic Hurricane Tracking Chart Version 5Courtesy of the LSU Agricultural Center, this grayscale chart is unique in that it labels the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea, Pacific, and Atlantic waters. One obvious drawback? It only includes a view of the eastern seaboard up to Virginia. (NOTE: The chart is on page 2 of this .pdf file, but the first page contains some very useful evacuation tips and hurricane facts.) Gulf of Mexico Hurricane Tracking Chart Version 1For those wishing to track hurricanes that enter into the Gulf of Mexico, this map provides the perfect solution. A grid overlay and labels of major cities on the Gulf Coast provide an easy way to track the path of some of the most destructive United States hurricanes. Gulf of Mexico Hurricane Tracking Chart Version 2The Boat Owners Association of the United States provides this simple map for tracking Gulf Coast hurricanes. (Its a great kid-friendly version.) The Caribbean Islands are labeled as well as major Gulf Coast cities. Eastern Pacific Hurricane Tracking ChartThis map comes directly from the NOAA NHC. It includes a view of the Hawaiian islands. Hawaii Hurricane Tracking ChartIf youre only interested in plotting hurricanes that venture near the Hawaiian Islands, this is the map for you (courtesy of AccuWeather). Plotting the Path of a Hurricane Now that you have the maps printed, its time to start plottin! For a simple how-to, check out How to Use a Hurricane Tracking Chart. Edited by Tiffany Means
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Reality Effect By Roland Barthes - 921 Words
A Significant Insignificance At what values should a seemingly pointless description or detail be taken at? When writers so often put so much labor into their works, it is a naive assumption to think a detail is just a part of moving the novel along. Roland Barthes, an esteemed literary critic, elaborates on this conclusion in his essay â€Å"The Reality Effect†, arguing the most superfluous details have a significant impact on the analysis of a piece of literature and that these small details are essential to a modern work of literature .The seemingly insignificant details could be overlooked, however, it is what makes the setting and actions within a work of literature appear to be reality. Among several works of literature, this proves†¦show more content†¦These so called â€Å"superfluous†details can appear anywhere in a novel and are sometimes so mundane that it seems nearly unnoticeable at first. For example, in Ernest Hemingways The Sun Also Rises he clearly shows the repetition of Lady Brett Ashley mentioning she is going to bathe.In a society where it is considered abnormal not to bathe, why would Hemmingway continually have had Brett mention she is going to bathe if it was not an important, though small, detail the audience needed to know to have a deeper understanding of her character. Brett’s mention of bathing so frequently is symbolic of her desire to purify herself from her unorthodox sexual actions. This shows a deep-rooted insecurity in Brett that otherwise would not be seen as clearly. She is seen as a sexual character throughout the novel, and it is understood that she is unhappy in her life, but her guilt with being such a sexual person would not be otherwise distinguished if she did not show her yearning to cleanse herself. It is also this inner conflict that is seen that makes Brett appear to be a more complex and realistic character because she struggles with the actions she wants, and has chosen, and what is deemed acceptable in soci ety. In other cases, a detail might stand out as slightly unusual, but not immediately have its implications seen clearly. In Tuesdays withShow MoreRelatedPhotographic Truth in the Digital Era Essay774 Words  | 4 PagesDan Provisional Working Title: Photographic Truth in the Digital Era Description of the Research Area (this should be no less than 500 words): According to James Brooks, â€Å"the manipulation of meaning to assure an audience would destroy the reality of the work and debase the concept of communication.†The essay will examine how images are used nowadays in media to influence people’s opinions rather than only for artistic purposes. We are constantly surrounded by advertising. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Modern Agricultural Biotechnology And Its Potential...
Debates over modern agricultural biotechnology and its potential usefulness and effectiveness are often characterized by deeply polarized stances. Proponents, which include industry advocates as well as some scholars, tout the benefits of increased agricultural productivity leading to positive outcomes for poor and small-scale farmers, as well as hunger alleviation - while critics outline potential negative impacts of this technological package, highlighting the polarization of agrarian social structures, concerns over food security, and detrimental environmental effects. Gerardo Otero’s edited volume Food for the Few situates this debate in the context of the developing world, and specifically examines the introduction of agricultural biotechnology to Latin America. The book’s focus is on the social dimensions of biotechnology, and more specifically on examining the complex relationship between modes of agricultural production and rural poverty. Presenting an assessment based on empirical evidence, the authors argue that there are grave indications for the socioeconomic and environmental impacts of this technology in the Latin American context, and that the optimistic predictions put forth by advocates are not only misplaced, but woefully misleading. Otero et al. maintain that while production and productivity are certainly on the rise as a result of this adopted technology, the profits from this shift are not necessarily being distributed in an equitable manner, and areShow MoreRelatedBenefits Of Genetically Modified Foods1203 Words  | 5 Pagestroubled crop growers for years. Their common different uses can reshape the entire agriculture industry. Smaller farms that cannot afford the cost of genetically modified seed are forced out of business bigger more industrial companies. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Reflection on Indigenous Cultural Awareness-
Question: Discuss about theReflection on Indigenous Cultural Awareness. Answer: Reflection on ethics D- Description of the Objective Ethics are somewhat concerned to be eclectic in which certain conclusions are drawn. I have lately never been able to put a name on the belief of what ethical system I belong to. However, recently, personal intellectual decision, summon that is used by Church for the people to blindly follow them. At this point of ethical and morality, guidance is even restrained to believe that if you do the right things for other, you will do it for yourself as well ( 2017). On the contrary, there are four ethical issues that a person faces except the religion ethical summons. Firstly, the decisions faced on utilitarianism followed by personal ethics and values that one has. Thirdly, making a good decision based on the personal ethics and lastly, a part that focuses on corporate social responsibility (Li 2013). I - Interpretation The events that lead to ethical behavior are further questionable. As per the objectives described, ethics has defined our lives on wrong and good doings. When it comes to defining Church summons, as per what I saw and heard, people follow the gods will on their pretext of being fearful of gods decision. However, on the other hand, this situation can be explained by an homosexual example. My friend is homosexual and has done some acts that can be clubbed in the same category but that has been considered sin in the eyes of law, family and even friends. Now when we draw conclusions, we need to choose; if you are choosing your friend then your morality further questioned of the duties you serve on ethical grounds. The learning that can be drawn is that ethical behavior decides whether you or I are a good person or not living in society that is completely not giving you freedom of your actions. This further states that ethics and morality changes with change in people/ Church/ society or a person himself. E - Evaluation As per my experience, moral rights are given to every individual in the socity including me then why not access those rights and define our ethical model, principles or criticism but in a right way. On the whole, my friend who is homosexual had to face a lot of turning heads but believed what he had to and that is how the society functions. However, my experience has even varied because in context of a thief who is a kleptomaniac, his ethical rights cannot be proven because somewhere he knows he is doing wrong and is not justifying of what he is doing. This absolute criticism can disregard the cost of having equal ethics and morality concerns at the same place (Li 2013). P Planning of the Information being useful The plans that describe my further terminology on the subject are quite debating. As a result, this debatable conscious of mine will help in changing my judgment and might lead to in depth assessment and reflection through the courses that will be offered to be later in life. Various programs on ethics and morality are reviewed on daily basis and this may help in aligning the thoughts I process to have on personal improvement. My new knowledge on assessment and reflection on ethics will even support the knowledge of grey knowledge and not the black-and-white documentthat is generally followed under the convention of ethics ( 2017). Reflection on Indigenous Cultural Awareness D- Description of the Objective At the time of researching about the indigenous culture of Australia, I saw and heard that the Indigenous Culture of Australia accompanying Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander the major two aspects of Australian Indigenous Culture ( 2017). From this analysis, I have gained the insight that the art and technique of living is passed from one generation to another and learnt that people pass their gained knowledge, rituals, arts and various ritual performances to the people of next generation in order to keep their cultural heritage alive. Thus, it can be seen that the culture has a connection with learning of culture since the beginning of the existence of a person ( 2017). I have come to know the major cultural factors are land being fundamental factor living, diversity of location and languages, adaptation of tools and technologies, secret cites, performance of various music, songs, dance and ceremony, visual arts and others. To create awaren ess these factors are considered major fundamentals of the wellbeing ( 2017). I - Interpretation To the people of this culture, land is not only the soil and rocks to them; they consider land as the environment that sustains the people of this culture. For this reason, the land is considered as the core of all relationship and spirituality and that is why land is considered as the most important aspects to the people of Australian Indigenous Culture ( 2017). In this regard, as per my insight, the groups have different language and still, they are able to live together. In this regard, I would like to mention the various aspects of culture from one generation to the next generation with the help of teaching. I have learned from the cultural analysis the people of Australian Indigenous Culture uses different technological tools based on their needs ( 2017). I would like to mention one important fact that ceremonial performances are considered as the heart of the Australian Indigenous Culture based on the activities done as cultural aspects like dance, song, decoration of body sculpture, painting and others. The people of this tribe bring together all people in the group ( 2017). E - Evaluation From the experience of knowing about the Australian Indigenous Culture, I have developed an opinion that Australian Indigenous Culture is the kind of culture where people values cordialness and relationship among humans. For this reason, it can be seen that people from different languages and tribes used to love together as a part of this culture with a mentality of innovation as the people of this culture used different kinds of technologically advanced weapons based on their various needs. They even like various ceremonial performances that are conducted within the people. Thus, I can say is that this particular experience has its own value as this experience has helped me in future evaluation of various aspects of Australian Indigenous Culture. On a whole, I have earned lot of knowledge about Australian Indigenous Culture. P Planning of the Information being useful I must mention that I have gained knowledge about different aspects of Australian Indigenous Culture like their diversity, ritual performance, history, heritage and others. All these gained knowledge will help me in my various course programs in an effective way such that to understand the classes as well as tough lessons in my course program. My future will be enhanced through sufficient basic knowledge about various aspects of Australian Indigenous Culture to start my initial research and to understand the native culture of my country. References (2017).Aboriginal Culture. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Sep. 2017]. (2017).Ethics Isnt About Judgmentits About Assessment, Reflection and Personal Improvement - Ethics - AFP. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Sep. 2017]. (2017).Reflections on Ethics Morality. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Sep. 2017]. (2017).Australian Indigenous cultural heritage | [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Sep. 2017]. (2017).Indigenous culture and history | [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Sep. 2017]. Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies. (2017).Indigenous Australians: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Sep. 2017]. (2017).CULTURAL HERITAGE. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Sep. 2017]. (2017).INDIGENOUS AUSTRALIANS OVERVIEW. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Sep. 2017]. Li, X. (2013).Ethics Reflection Paper. [online] sslee8778960. Available at: [Accessed 3 Sep. 2017].
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